Over 100 Years of Changing Lives

The Masonic Children’s Home provides an ideal opportunity for school-aged children to receive the security and support they need.

This year is bringing an exciting change for the Masonic Children’s Home … new branding!

What is the Masonic Children’s Home?

The Masonic Children’s Home supports children, ages 7 – 18, who are being raised by aging grandparents, or who come from various social or economic environments which do not provide the security and support necessary for healthy growth and development.

Children find a unique opportunity to grow and succeed through a supportive, homelike environment at the Masonic Children’s Home. Within five cottages, 40 youth have the chance to receive friendship, care and guidance. As they mature, we provide the resources to prepare them to live on their own.

More Than a Century of Caring

Since 1913, Pennsylvania Freemasons have provided a safe haven and changed the lives of more than 2,100 children at the Masonic Children’s Home in Elizabethtown.

After establishing what is now the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown in 1910, Pennsylvania Freemasons became aware of another need in the community. They felt an unavoidable duty to provide for the care, development and education of orphaned children. The board of directors’ original vision was to provide for children and their widowed parent. On Nov. 12, 1913, Edith H. De Vore, widow of Brother William H. De Vore, and her four children moved to Elizabethtown. Today, the children’s home cares for up to 40 school-age children.


To apply, parents/guardians can fill out our application form available for download. For questions regarding the process, please review our frequently asked questions below or call 717-367-1121, ext. 33301.

Smiling girl sitting at desk