A long-time donor donates a portion of her IRA to children in need.

Just like Cinderella has a fairy godmother who appears in difficult times to lend a hand, the kids of the Masonic Children’s Home have Joyce Umbaugh, a woman who holds a special place in her heart for children in need.

Her kind eyes and contagious smile have become familiar to the kids over the last 13 years. She and her husband, Bob, regularly visit the children and attend events, especially since their move to Masonic Village in 2011. Their generosity has spanned across multiple generations and has impacted children in ways they could have only imagined.

A few years ago, while attending Youth Appreciation Day, an annual event that honors children’s home graduates, the Umbaughs received a surprise of a lifetime. During the program, each senior was asked what he or she will remember most from his or her time at the children’s home. One young woman, who grew up in a cottage named for Bob and Joyce, said, “Meeting the Umbaughs.”

The story still brings tears to the couple’s eyes.

“That had to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about us,” Joyce said. “It just goes to show, you don’t know how much you can change someone’s life with a gift.”

Bob and Joyce have been supporting children’s charities for more than 35 years, and they have always been impressed with the children’s home.

“They do more than just provide a roof over the kids’ heads and meals to eat,” she said. “They give them educational and social opportunities, which is just as important. From what I’ve seen, these kids are pretty amazing for the amount of baggage they’re carrying.”

Originally from Santa Monica, California, Joyce realizes she was fortunate to lead a successful life because she received the care she needed as a child and adolescent. Therefore, her desire is to provide support to children who need guidance, love and support the most.

“I want to give them a step up,” she says, “because no one was there or able to do that for them.”

In 2016, Joyce chose to make a donation to the children’s home from her IRA retirement account. By law, when she reached age 71 and half, she was obligated to start withdrawing a required minimum distribution (RMD) from the account. Joyce didn’t need the money, so she decided to donate the annual amount to the cause closest to her heart. When these funds were withdrawn and given to charity, Joyce was not required to pay income tax on the money.

Joyce donated a portion of her IRA retirement account again this year to purchase new furniture for the children’s cottages as part of the renovation plan.

A person may donate part or all of their RMD to charity.

“Just remember,” she said, “it’s not how much you give, it’s where your heart is. If you don’t absolutely need the money, it’s a small thing to do that will make a big difference.”

Joyce’s hope for the children, whose lives are far from fairy tales, is for them all to complete high school to the best of their ability, graduate from college debt-free and set themselves up for a successful future.

“I want to make sure they have nothing holding them back,” she says. “People can take a lot away from you, but they can’t take away an education.”

To learn how to donate a portion of your IRA retirement account to the Masonic Children’s Home, call 1-800-599-6454.